/* TEAM */ Created by Rowedahelicon (Disguised as Willow!) Site: https://www.scritch.works / hello@scritch.works Location: In a tree, somewhere... /* THANKS */ My family <3 My boyfriend, Fraeven <3 My friends and fellow artists who've all helped me along the way <3 Ensis for the 404 page inspiration! Seabass for assistance with the commission form UX Nall Wolf for their suggestion of the alternate image styles addition Toninyorch for the Anti AI badge https://ko-fi.com/roninyorch?viewimage=IT6T718NAKF#galleryItemView Lisa Dikaprio for the allowed use of her brushes https://lisadikaprio.itch.io/ Fonts: https://www.dafont.com/lemon-milk.font, IcoMoon Form Storage: https://github.com/appleple/form-storage /* SITE */ Last update: 2025 Standards: HTML5, PHP, CSS3 Software: Microsoft Visual Studio Code Made with Tailwind.css and Tidy Html